Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life in Rolla

Hey family,
I just thought I would share some of the things going on here in Rolla. God has been so good to me. Gotta share it with you all.

One highlight has been a discipleship program I'm doing with several others led by leader's at the BSU, Randy and Zac. We're using a Navigator's book called, "Growing Strong in God's Family". It's been really good. I've been learning how important it is to know the Bible, through study and memorization.

Another recent highlight was a conference that I went to with leader's from the BSU and the worship band (since I'm in the band now). It was called "Engage". I was kind of skeptical about the teaching we'd get. But I was pleasantly surprised. One theme that kept coming up was the extreme improtance of knowing what the Word of God says. There was also a lot of emphasis on discipleship which I hadn't really thought much about before but it seems like the Bible talks a lot about it.

One of the breakout sessions I went to at "Engage" was called "Authentic Masculinity in a Feminized Christian Culture". Surprisingly it was taught by a woman. But she had a lot of really good biblical stuff to say. It was convicting and encouraging at the same time.

Also I had a great time hanging out with the BSU folk and getting to know them better. Seems like God is working in all of them that were there. Very cool. OH! and I just remembered that at the very end of the conference they gave away some prizes and my name got drawn to win an 8GB iPod Nano! I couldn't believe it. It was so crazy. I'm very thankful, it seemed like a physical token of all God's blessings that weekend.

I have been encouraged by quite a few people here at school. God has His people wherever He wants them.

Anyway just some cool stuff that's been going on with me that I thought I could share. I love you all. Praise God for His goodness.


  1. Steph, that's really encouraging to hear. I'm glad the Lord is taking care of you and teaching You. He is so faithful! I can't wait to see you in a week, we'll take pictures in Nashville for you. :) Besos

  2. Amen. Can't wait to see you either. Nashville??

  3. That is so encouraging, like Lisbs said that God is taking care of you and so tenderly. Praise the Lord! Yup Nashville here we come! Me and Lisbs are going to visist Jennifer tommorrow and Lord-willing unless They can't get their van fixed in time, we will be going to Nashville on Saturday with the whole family! Love you, and it's so good to hear about God working.
    Love you so much!

  4. Stephen, sounds like an awesome time and an I-pod to boot! So, glad you have such good friends and Christian fellowwhip. I loved college for that reason. So many different kinds of people and great Christian friends who may not have believed just like me but help me grow and be encouraged in the Lord.

  5. Thats Stubbs. I had heard all that from you, personally, but it was good to read it too.
    Had not heard about the ipod though. I am glad to hear about that, I think about how the Lord spoke to you about filling your mind with junk, right before we went to Ely, and here he gives you this now, so you can fill your mind with good.( Hope this makes sense)
    Love you,


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